

In the Matter of the Amendment of

Rules of Civil Procedure:  Wis. Stat.               ORDER

§ 804.10 (2) -- Discovery of Health Care      No. 95-08

Provider Records



     By letter of June 11, 1996, the Judicial Council of Wisconsin withdrew the petition it had filed February 21, 1995 seeking the amendment of the Rules of Civil Procedure regarding the discovery and inspection of health care provider records in personal injury actions.  The court had asked the Judicial Council to review the legislation, 1995 Assembly Bill 727, amending Wis. Stat. § 804.10(2) and notify the court of its position on its pending rule amendment petition. 

     IT IS ORDERED that the petition for the amendment of Wis. Stat. § 804.10(2) is withdrawn. 

     Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 26th day of June, 1996. 

                         BY THE COURT: 



                         Marilyn L. Graves, Clerk