In the Matter of the Amendment of Supreme Court Rules:  SCR Chapter

62 ‑‑ORDER Code of Professional Responsibility, No. 95‑12

Courtesy and Decorum for the Courts



     On September 28, 1995 the Wisconsin Judicial Conference, by

its executive committee, requested that the petition it filed

seeking the adoption of a code of professional responsibility,

courtesy and decorum for the courts be withdrawn.  The court

scheduled the petition for a public hearing on October 17, 1995. 

     IT IS ORDERED that the request is granted, the petition is

withdrawn and the hearing scheduled for October 17, 1995 at 1:30

p.m. is canceled. 

     Dated at Madison, Wisconsin, this 2nd day of October, 1995.

                         BY THE COURT: 



                         Marilyn L. Graves, Clerk