Wisconsin eFiling Update

Walking on sunshine!
Summer's just around the corner and although Wisconsin's fickle forecast is finally on our side, we couldn't let Mother Nature have all the glory. We're about to release a system update that's sure to brighten your day. We've incorporated a slew of new document types and enhanced a number of features to better serve our growing user base. Read on to learn more and get the skinny on what this release has in store for you.
Criminal eFiling changes
- Special prosecutors will have the ability to eFile criminal complaints, amended criminal complaints, and information documents.
- When eFiling a jury demand, the following three document types will be available: Jury Demand for 6 Person Trial, Jury Demand for 12 Person Trial, and Jury Demand - Other. No fee will be charged for these documents on criminal case types.
Opt-in changes
- Attorneys who paid the eFiling fee to opt in for a party that has since been dismissed or withdrawn from a case will no longer be charged the eFiling fee to opt in for an additional party on that same case.
- State Public Defender Request for Court Record will be an available document type for attorneys filing on behalf of the State Public Defender's office. Once the clerk processes the filing, the attorney will have the ability to opt in to the case.
- Using the non-party filer feature, special prosecutors will now have the ability to select the Notice of Appearance document type to notify the court they are appearing on behalf of the plaintiff on a case.
- An eFiler's response to the question, "Are you appointed by the State Public Defender or the court?" (asked when opting in to a case) will correctly default the associated opt-in document type based on the selected answer:
- When "State Public Defender" is selected, filers will be required to upload a Public Defender Order Appointing Counsel document.
- When "Court Appointed" is selected, filers will be required to upload a Notice of Appearance document.
- When "No" is selected, filers will be required to upload a Notice of Retainer document.
Other important changes
- Attorneys filing on behalf of the State Public Defender's office will no longer be charged the Notice of Appeal fee when electronically filing an appeal.
- Non-party filers will only be required to complete CAPTCHA once per visit to the eFiling website.
- When the Petition and Waiver of Fees/Costs, Affidavit of Indigency and Order (CV-410) is filed and the petition is granted, the fee waiver will be valid until entry of final judgment. The party/attorney will not be charged fees for any documents filed on the case, with the exception of the Notice of Appeal.
What's on the horizon?
We'll be in touch soon about another release slated for the not-so-distant future. Upcoming changes involve interface improvements to further streamline eFiling and added features, like the ability to eFile amended garnishments. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
Reach out to us!
Our knowledgeable staff is here to assist you. If you have questions along the way, call us at 1 (800) 462-8843, chat with us, or email us at eFileSupport@wicourts.gov. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter @ CCAP_Wisconsin!