Filing electronic exhibits in Wisconsin circuit courts: All you need to know about upcoming enhancements
Dec 14, 2022 Vol 7, Issue 1
Hey there, eFilers! Bet you’ve been waiting on pins and pine needles to hear from us. We have to admit, it’s been a minute since our last update. We couldn’t pass up a chance to wish you all a happy holiday season and fill you in on notable changes in the works for the filing of exhibit documents. So, just as scrupulously as you scan your inbox for precious promo codes, take a pass through the following email to learn about changes on the horizon for Circuit Court eFiling.
Changes in store for the Circuit Court eFiling website
An update slated for rollout on December 16, 2022 will deliver a more formal process for filing electronic exhibits. A couple of items to note following the update are:
The Exhibit document type will no longer be available when initiating an electronic case or leveraging the File another document link to file on an existing case. Instead, a File exhibits link will appear in the Actions column of cases on the My cases page for use when submitting electronic exhibits.
Exhibit filings will be allowed only on cases with court activities scheduled for the current date or a future date. If no activity is visible in the Activity dropdown menu, you must contact the clerk of circuit court in the county where the case is filed to clarify when the exhibit should be eFiled before proceeding.

How to file electronic exhibits
Click here to view step-by-step instructions on how to file electronic exhibits.
Click here to view a video to learn how to file electronic exhibits.
Reach out to us!
Our call center is here to assist you. Contact us by email at eFileSupport.wicourts.gov, phone (1-800-462-8843), or chat with us (select the Chat button).
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