About 200 people, including court security officials from a dozen states, gathered at the Appleton Paper Valley Hotel March 15-17 for the 2023 Court Safety and Security Conference hosted by the National Criminal Justice Training Center at Fox Valley Technical College.
Since 2009, this annual event has been organized by the Director of State Courts Office in partnership with the training center. The conference brings together state and tribal judges and court staff, law enforcement officers, court security personnel, clerks of court, emergency management leaders, and other stakeholders with an interest in court security.
This year’s conference included presentations on topics, such as security screening, handling protests, the role of the bailiff, recognizing mental illness, de-escalation, and personal safety at home and when traveling. Other sessions addressed how to effectively identify threats, potentially relocate court services in an emergency, and how to leverage technology to promote safety during a high-profile trial.
Director of State Courts Randy R. Koschnick made opening remarks, in which he described some of the changes in the types of threats and violence facing courts and judges. As part of its response, the court system is seeking state budget and legislative support for a plan that would transform the Supreme Court Marshal’s office into a law enforcement agency, Koschnick told the group.
The state court system is also seeking state budget support to update and reinforce the state court system’s cybersecurity program to protect court records, case management functions and electronic communications, including e-mail, Koschnick said.
News coverage of the conference, including interviews with Marinette County Circuit Court Judge James Morrison and Supreme Court Marshal Tammy Johnson, was carried on Fox11 WLUK-TV.
Third Branch eNews is an online monthly newsletter of the Director of State Courts Office. If you are interested in contributing an article about your department’s programs or accomplishments, contact your department head. Information about judicial retirements and judicial obituaries may be submitted to: Sara.Foster@wicourts.gov