Lawyer regulation
About OLR & the lawyer regulation system
The Wisconsin Supreme Court created the lawyer regulatory system in 2000. The system assists the Court in supervising the practice of law and protecting the public from misconduct by lawyers. For additional information see:
- Overview of the lawyer regulation system organizations (en Español)
- Overview of the lawyer regulation process (en Español)
- Organizational structure
- Annual report
Detailed information about ethical standards, organizational structure, and grievance procedures are contained in the following Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules (SCRs). These documents are in Adobe PDF format unless otherwise stated:
- Chapter 20A - Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys (Preamble to SCR 20:1.18)
- Chapter 20B - Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys (SCRs 20:2.1 to 20:8.5)
- Chapter 21 - Lawyer Regulation System
- Chapter 22 - Procedures for the Lawyer Regulation System
- Chapter 23 - Regulation of Unauthorized Practice of Law